
Thursday, September 24, 2020


We are leaning to do a animation and retell a story. The story I chose was Humpty Dumty. 

Monday, September 14, 2020

Asking and Answering Questions whatever

In our reading group we learned to ask questions about a story before we read it. Here is a pictures of my book and some questions I had about it. After I read the book I answered my questions. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Earthquake project

I made my earthquake building by using clay and paper clips. I made it to be earthquake proof. It is also tip proof and can go upside down. It is important for buildings to be tested for and earthquake so no one dies. 

Text features

We Learn about text features I find this in the lightning book.


yeserday we went to a van to see Nicole and HARLD 

the GIRAFFE we played games it was fun THE ENDING